Examination & Promotion


  1. Tests and examination are means of assessing the child’s performance in her studies.
  2. Absence from a subject test disqualifies the pupil from being reckoned in the order of merit in an examination.
  3. Any irregularity detected during or subsequent to an examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination hall and to further action at the Principal’s discretion. The answer paper of such a student will not be assessed.
  4. Children who are ill should not be send to school to attend class or take the tests. The sickness affects the pupil’s score and may be contagious.
  5. Every report must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to her class teacher.
  6. No girl without a minimum of 90% attendance will be allowed to appear for the final examination.


The following are the specific norms for promotions.

  1. Failure in any two subjects is sufficient reason for not granting promotion.
  2. Consistent neglect of a subject will not be condoned. Deficiency must be made good before promotion is considered.
  3. Only pupils who have passed in all the subjects finally have a right to be promoted to a higher standard.
  4. Promotion is decided with the teachers concerned and due consideration is given to each student. Hence the result is final and cannot be reconsidered.
  5. At the end of the year promotion to the next grade will be decided on the basis of the whole year’s work. Regular attendance and steady work, therefore, will be a condition for promotion.
  6. The answer sheets of the final examination will not be shown either to students or to parents/guardians.


  1. Minimum 33% required in each subject in order to be promoted to class XII.
  2. If a student fails in any two or more subjects in class XI OR XII (after taking the average of terminal examinations) her result will be declared as FAILED.

The school management reserves the right to add or amend any of these rules and the same shall be binding on the parents and the pupils.